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This page lists most of our publications starting from 2014.
Total: ca. 200 Publications
Please refer to Google Scholar for a complete list.

Dry Processing and Recycling of Thick Nacre–Mimetic Nanocomposites
Read the full article here: Adv. Funct. Mater. 2102677 (2021). by F. Lossada, B. Zhu and A. Walther Bioinspired nanocomposites with high...

Room‐Temperature Phosphorescence Enabled through Nacre‐Mimetic Nanocomposite Design
Read the full article here: Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2005973 by X. Yao, J. Wang, D. Jiao, Z. Huang, O. Mhirsi, F. Lossada, L. Chen, B....

Glass Transition Temperature Regulates Mechanical Performance in Nacre‐Mimetic Nanocomposites
Read the full article here: Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2020, 41, 200380 By F. Lossada, T. Abbasoglu, D. Jiao, D. Hoenders, and A. Walther*...

Structure, Mechanical Properties, and Dynamics of Polyethylenoxide/Nanoclay Nacre-Mimetic Nanocompos
Read the full article here: Macromolecules 2020, 53, 5, 1716-1725 Nacre-mimetic nanocomposites based on high fractions of synthetic...

Exceptionally Ductile and Tough Biomimetic Artificial Nacre with Gas Barrier Function
Read the full article here: Adv. Mater. 2018, 1802477. Synthetic mimics of natural high‐performance structural materials have shown great...

Facile and On-Demand Cross-Linking of Nacre-Mimetic Nanocomposites Using Tailor-Made Polymers with L
Read the full articles here: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2018) DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b06359 The development of on-demand cross-linking...

Large-scale, thick, self-assembled, nacre-mimetic brick-walls as fire barrier coatings on textiles
Get the full paper here: Scientific Reports 7, 39910 (2017) Highly loaded polymer/clay nanocomposites with layered structures are...

Light-Adaptive Supramolecular Nacre-Mimetic Nanocomposites
Get the full paper here: Nano Letters 16, 5167 (2016); (Highlighted in SCIENCE; 353, 787, 2016). Nature provides design paradigms for...

Conducting, Self-Assembled, Nacre-Mimetic Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites
Get the full paper here: ACS Appl. Mat. Inter. 7, 15681 (2015) We demonstrate electrically and ionically conducting nacre-mimetic...

Hierarchical Nacre-Mimetics with Synergistic Mechanical Properties by Control of Molecular Interacti
Get the full article here: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 8653 (2015). Designing the reversible interactions of biopolymers remains a grand...
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