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This page lists most of our publications starting from 2014.
Total: ca. 200 Publications
Please refer to Google Scholar for a complete list.

Molecular communication relays for dynamic cross-regulation of self-sorting fibrillar self-assemblie
Read the full article here: Sci Adv. 2021 Nov; 7(48): eabj5827 Groeer, S., Schuhmann, K., Loescher, S., Walther, A. “Molecular...

One-Component DNA Mechanoprobes for Facile Mechanosensing in Photopolymerized Hydrogels and Elastome
Read the full article here: ACS Macro Lett. 10, 671 (2021). by G. Creusen, R. Schmidt and A. Walther DNA mechanosensors offer unique...

Spinodal Decomposition of Chemically Fueled Polymer Solutions
Read the full article here: Soft Matter 15, 5401, (2021). by J. Heckel, F. Battia, R. Mathers and A. Walther Out-of-equilibrium phase...

A Modular Fluorescent Probe for Viscosity and PolaritySensing in DNA Hybrid Mesostructures
Read the full article here: Adv. Sci. 2021, 2003740 by S. Ludwanowski, A. Samanta, S. Loescher, C. Barner-Kowollik, and Andreas Walther...

Programmable ATP-Fueled DNA Coacervates by Transient Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
Read the full article here: Chem, 2020, 6, 3329 by J. Deng, and A. Walther Multivalency-driven liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is...

Multivalency Pattern Recognition to Sort Colloidal Assemblies
Read the full article here: Small, 2021, 17, 2005668 By S. Loescher and A. Walther Multivalent interaction is an important principle for...

Functional and morphological adaptation in DNA protocells via signal processing by metalloenzymes
Read the full article here: Nat. Nanotechnol.1856 (2020). by Samanta, A., Sabatino, V., Ward, T., Walther, A., For life to emerge, the...

Switchable Supracolloidal 3D DNA Origami Nanotubes Mediated through Fuel/Antifuel Reactions
Read the full article here: Nanoscale, 12, 16995 (2020). by Groeer, S., Walther, A. 3D DNA origami provide access to the de novo design...

DNA–Polymer Nanostructures by RAFT Polymerization and Polymerization‐Induced Self‐Assembly
Read the full article here: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 1 (2020). by Lückerath, T., Koynov,K., Loescher, S., Whitfield, C. J., Nuhn, L.,...

Supracolloidal Self‐Assembly of Divalent Janus 3D DNA Origami via Programmable Multivalent Host/Gues
Read the full article here: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 5515 (2020). We introduce divalent 3D DNA origami cuboids as truly monodisperse...
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