Light-Adaptive Supramolecular Nacre-Mimetic Nanocomposites
This page lists most of our publications starting from 2014.
Total: ca. 200 Publications
Please refer to Google Scholar for a complete list.
3D Structures of Responsive Nano-Compartmentalized Microgels
Shape Recognition-Mediated Hierarchical Self-Assembly of 3D-Printed Lock-and-Key Colloids
Understanding Toughness in Bioinspired Cellulose Nanofibril/Polymer Nanocomposites
Biomineralization of Engineered Spider Silk Protein-Based Composite Materials for Bone Tissue Engine
Simple Platform Method for the Synthesis of Densely Functionalized Microgels by Modification of Acti
Recodable Surfaces Based on Switchable Hydrogen Bonds
Bioinspired Mechanical Gradients in Cellulose Nanofibril/Polymer Nanopapers
Supramolecular Engineering of Hierarchically Self-Assembled, Bioinspired, Cholesteric Nanocomposites
Cellulose Nanofibril Hydrogel Tubes as Sacrificial Templates for Freestanding Tubular Cell Construct