Prof. Dr. Andreas Walther
Andreas Walther is a Professor for Macromolecular Materials and Systems at the Department of Chemistry at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany), as well as a Max Planck Research Fellow at the MPI for Polymer Research.
His research interests concentrate on developing life-like materials and systems that integrate dynamic processes and principles of chemical intelligence inspired from the basic principles of life. He was appointed to his present position in Mainz in 2020 with the prestigious support of the Gutenberg Research College.
Andreas Walther is the recipient of an ERC Starting Grant and of an ERC Consolidator Grant. He is a co-founder of the DFG Cluster of Excellence on "Living, Adaptive and Energy-Autonomous Materials Systems" (livMatS), and of the EU Training Networks CREANET and VITRIMAT. He was a senior fellow of both the Freiburg (FRIAS) as well as the Strasbourg (USIAS) Institutes for Advanced Studies. He is an adjunct fellow of the Max Planck School "Matter-to-Life".
Andreas Walther has published ca. 230 research articles (h-index 75; ca. 21500 citations) in top level journals and has recently been awarded the Henriette Herz Postdoc-Scouting Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the MPI MINERVA ARCHES award, the Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award (for Materials), the Reimund Stadler Young Investigator Award of the German Chemical Society, a BMBF NanoMatFutur Research Group, as well as the Hanwha-Total IUPAC Young Scientist Award.